Also, last month, the Fed moved to backstop short-term debt called asset-backed commercial paper, which led investors to pull away from the other half of the short-term debt market because it had no government guarantee. This debt was issued largely by corporations and European banks. 此外,fed上个月采取措施支撑被称为资产支持商业票据的短期债券;这导致投资者纷纷撤离短期债券市场的另一半领域,因为这些债券主要是由企业和欧洲银行发行的,没有政府担保。
They bought much of the short-term debt that ② propped up structured finance. 他们带来了大量的短期债券,这些债券支撑结构性融资。
Among money-market mutual funds, which invest in short-term debt and other instruments, it is the other way round. 货币市场共同基金用于投资短期债券和其他票据,这里的情形恰好相反。
Verizon will fund the deal with cash and short-term debt. 威瑞森将用现金和短期债务来为此次交易筹资。
First, it is essential that they cut back exposure to flickering short-term debt. 一方面,这些经济体有必要削减对不稳定的短期债务的敞口。
This is a big problem for banks, since money funds hold up to$ 1.3 trillion of their short-term debt. 这对银行来说是个大问题,因为货币基金只有它们1.3万亿美元的短期债券。
All kinds of off-balance-sheet lending and arbitrage platforms ( known as conduits and structured investment vehicles, or SIVs) have been infected to the point that they are struggling to raise the short-term debt that keeps them afloat. 所有类型的资产负债表外贷款和套利平台[即管道类和结构性投资工具(SIV)]都受到牵连,它们难以获得维持自身运作的短期融资。
Less liquidity, implying a higher fraction of long-term assets funded with short-term debt, raises profits but heightens exposure to sudden withdrawals and difficulties in rolling over debt. 流动性下降,意味着由短期债务提供融资的长期资产比例上升,这将提升利润,但加大了突然撤资的风险和循环还债的难度。
Most banks still have short-term debt guaranteed by the government. 大多数银行仍有由政府担保的短期债务。
The current ratio is the most common ratio used to evaluate a corporation's liquidity and short-term debt paying ability. 流动比率是评价公司的流动性和短期偿债能力最常使用的比率指标。
Its short-term debt-as the Primary Reserve Fund found-was essentially worthless. 正如PrimaryReserveFund所发现的那样,其短期债券实际上已一文不值。
Money market funds invest in highly liquid securities such as US Treasuries and short-term debt issued by financial institutions. 货币市场基金的投资对象通常是流动性较强的证券,例如美国国债,以及由金融机构发行的短期债券。
They show the expected return on stocks versus bonds or short-term debt for a whole range of countries. 他们对这些国家的股票预期收益与,国债或者短期债券作出比较。
The ECB and other central banks pumped funds into the interbank lending markets at the end of last week after liquidity was hit by investors deserting short-term debt markets. 上周晚些时候,欧洲央行和其它一些央行向银行间借贷市场注入了大量资金。此前,因投资者撤离短期债市,市场流动性受到影响。
Governor Masaaki Shirakawa offered no new asset purchases in 2013 and the net impact of the purchases promised for 2014 will be limited since most of the money will be used to buy short-term debt close to maturity. 日本央行行长白川方明(MasaakiShirakawa)2013年没有提出新的资产购买计划,2014年的资产购买计划净影响也将有限,因为计划购买的大部分资产都将是即将到期的短期债券。
Discount notes are a form of short-term debt, typically favoured by highly rated issuers such as government agencies. 贴现票据是一种短期债务,一般受到评级较高的发行方(如政府机构)青睐。
It consists of a promise to pay, usually denominated in currency, and there are both long-term and short-term debt instruments. 它由付款承诺组成,通常以货币计算,分长期和短期债务工具。
Total external debt is the sum of public, publicly guaranteed, and private no guaranteed long-term debt, use of IMF credit, and short-term debt. 它是长期公共债务、公共担保债务和私人非担保长期债务、IMF货款和短期外债的总和。
The longer-term buying contrasts with last year, when the data showed a period of net purchases of short-term debt by China, generating debate among market participants about why it was doing this and the impact on the market. 中国购买日本长期国债的行为与去年形成对比,当时有数据显示,中国有一段时期曾净购买日本短期债券,这引发了市场参与者对于中国为何这样做以及对市场影响的辩论。
To assure retail investors, the Fed quickly lined up a liquidity facility for money market funds, allowing them to sell short-term debt backed by assets. 为安抚散户投资者,美联储迅速安排了面向货币市场基金的流动性工具,允许它们出售资产支持的短期债务。
While the securities are long-term debt, interest rates are periodically set at auctions, and so appealed to investors seeking short-term debt. 虽然这些证券是长期债务,但利率会定期在拍卖时设定,这也吸引了那些寻找短期债券的投资者。
Increase short-term debt quota for genuine trade related uses which are not affecting the monetary supply within China. 为了内生业务相关的外债使用而提高短期债务限额不会对中国国内的货币供应产生影响。
Recently, it has cut the size of short-term debt sales, while maintaining those of 30-year bonds. 该机构近期削减了短期债券的发行规模,而30年期债券的发行规模则保持不变。
Like a lot of people, I saw the very large current account deficits and the buildup of short-term debt and I thought: this looks awfully like those in Mexico and Argentina in1993-94. 同许多人一样,我注意到了巨额的经常帐目赤字以及短期贷款的累积。我觉得这个现象同墨西哥和阿根廷从1993至1994年的情况实在太相似了。
A market for short-term debt instruments. 短期债务手段的股市。
SIVs issue cheap, short-term debt to fund investments in longer-term and higher-yielding securities. 结构性投资工具发行低价短期债券,以便为期限较长和收益较高的证券投资融资。
A banker's acceptance is a short-term debt issued by a business firm on which a large commercial bank has guaranteed payment to the investor so that it becomes a liability of the bank. 银行承兑汇票是商业企业的短期债务,并由商业银行担保向投资者支付,因此它成为银行的债务。
It surprises many people that stocks have paid such an enormous premium over the return on short-term debt. 很多人没有想到的是,股票相比短期债券而言,存在一个巨大的溢价。